The transitions of life involve many a few things. We are born, go to school, graduate, and hopefully get married. Unfortunately it doesn’t work out that simple for most if not all mankind, and if your a single Latter-Day Saint this gets even more epic once you enter the singles ward scene. You are taught to find the “special one” that you can take to the Temple and be married to for “time and eternity.” If you don’t find someone you are bound to a place known as a “singles ward,” a place where others in your same situation join forces and hope and pray to land that “special one.”
Along the way you may be forced to face trials of great discomfort and hyperbole. If you are fresh out of a high school scene you will generally attend a “college age” (18-24) singles ward until you either get married or make the move to “post college graduate” (25-31) singles ward. This is a very special breed of ward. Most if not all of these attendees have started careers, landed a home of their own and are happy on their path knowing that they “will” find someone and that life is not all about “doing the deed” and having the trophy spouse with 2.2 kids and a back log of debt to pay for that 4-wheeler they can’t truly afford.
While I am in the middle of having my career take off I do fall in the group of “post college graduate” singles ward. No I did not attend a formal college, however I did attend a “college age” singles ward after high school. My time and frame of mind soon led me to the “post college graduate” aged wards.
SO why create this blog now, and not sooner?
In the middle of August, 2010 my “post college graduate” ward along with the others in town was dissolved (means they cancel it) and to then teamed up with the “college age” wards. The change was suppose to remove all pre conceived titles and start fresh with what is now to be called a Young Single Adult, Y.S.A, ward filling the ages of 18-30. Once you turned 31 you would be banished in your single shame to the land of “family wards.” (I hope that my readers understand that I do not poke fun if you have not been married yet and are in the “family ward.”) Instead this blog is to take you on the journey of being thrust back into a lesser mind set of life where parties, school books and young marriages mix with the house owning, career set driven singles.
Enjoy the ride this WILL be interesting!!