I have learned that the best seats in the sacrament room, sunday school, or priesthood are those that are set up along the side of the room. Granted you are in direct vision of the others in the room but most of the time they are trying so hard to ignore you that they don’t even realize you are totally scanning the room for funny sites.
So there I am in sunday school minding my own business (don’t laugh I was actually trying to pay attention, serious!) During the class I sat along the side of the wall which again gave me a great view of the room. I at first didn’t notice any strange or post worthy item till they started calling members out to the hall for their photo’s. Sitting right there in plane view of me was this young chap...
Did you see it? Take another look and look below his ear and notice the two items of gems.
Finally see it? Let me spell it out if you are not sure what you are looking at. A RAT TAIL! Ok not 1 but 2! And they were braided! This is not the first time I have noticed this. In fact the last few weeks I have noticed several guys in the various wards I have attended with this same sickness growing out the right side of the head. I have been developing several theories on what this can mean.
1.) Gang - But that would be too simple.
2.) Secret Fraternal Order of L.D.S. Men - I haven’t seen the non L.D.S. fellow male race try it so this one holds strong. (So I guess my theory of a gang could work.)
3.) An L.D.S male attempt at starting a fashion craze. (Not even gonna attempt this one myself.) Plus I don’t for see it ever being viewed on the Sartorialist blog
What say you?
A modern day prophet by the name of Gordon B. Hinckley said it best about the L.D.S. culture,
“...we are a peculiar people...”
...But then again I think this is plane stupid and not peculiar.
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